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CDC & Travel Prep

Whether you are a seasoned traveler or just beginning your Joyage, one website you should always consider is They have loads of information tailored to your specific travel destination. One thing is for sure, being prepared helps to ease your mind so you can enjoy your travel. The last thing you want to do is get halfway to your destination and realize you didn’t meet their requirements for entry. I don’t know if that happens often, but I imagine post pandemic has certainly raised the chance of that occurring.

Contact your primary care provider for a travel consultation early on in your preparations as some vaccinations may have two or even three parts to them that need to be separated by several weeks. They can also talk through necessary steps you may not have considered and specific details for your family’s needs. Tip: keep a pen and pad of paper close by and take notes. Be sure to ask for clarification if you don’t understand the information.

Walgreen ended up being a great resource for us. When comparing price between local CDC vaccination organizations and them, Walgreens was more affordable every time.

Investigate which items are important for your specific destination. Such as: in Indonesia, bug lotions are recommended as opposed to spray for mosquitoes. I have linked the lotion we decided to use in the resources and products page of this blog. As well as other products we have found helpful for our Joyage. Try to condense your packing as much as possible. You’ll see on the packing list linked here:

They provide a thorough list of important items. Not all of them may apply to your trip, so please adjust as necessary. Among the items listed are important documents. We found these great water and fireproof TSA lock document folders on Amazon. Also linked on the resources and products page. Not only does it keep your documents safe from extreme elemental circumstances, but it doubles as a document safe in your new home away from home.

I am a planner. So, I like to have important things taken care of early in the process. Through experience I have found that several unexpected things can happen and the best thing you can have on your side is time. Our best advice would be to not procrastinate.

And most importantly, don’t forget to enjoy the process. A lot of the joy is made or broken through state of mind. If you have an attitude of gratitude for each step, even the pain in the ass ones, it sure makes the process more enjoyable. Just think: This is bringing me one step closer to my goal of (insert place here). Afterall, the journey is more important than the destination. The destination is just the vision needed to inspire first steps in your journey.

Hugs hugs - Anna

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